Saturday, 16 July 2011

Page 712

'He hesitated, then she saw a faint smile that touched only his lips, not his eyes, the kind of smile from which one contemplates - with longing, bitterness and pride - a possession purchased at an excruciating cost; his eyes seemed directed, not at her, but at the girl of that time. "Underground, in the Taggart Terminal," he answered.'

Page 705

'Galt turned and looked at him for a moment, not answering. She could not identify the emotion that softened the lines of Galt's face: it had the quality of a smile, of gentleness, of pain, and of something greater that seemed to make these concepts superfluous.'

Page 694

'She noticed that Danneskjold was studying Galt's face, as if he, too, found the incident inexplicable. Galt held his glance, deliberately and openly, as if challenging him to find the explanation and promising that he would fail. She knew that Danneskjold had failed, when she saw a faint crease of humour softening Galt's eyelids.'

I've gone for the look with the faint crease of humour here, but it should still incorporate the challenging and promising holding of Danneskjold's glance as well.

Page 686

'He saw her looking at him, her glance half-question, half-hope'

Page 665

'...and she saw him looking at her as if he knew what she felt - she saw him seeing in her face the realization that it was he who had walked out of Danagger's office, that day. His face gave her nothing in answer: it had that look of respectful severity with which a man stands before the fact that the truth is the truth.'

In case it's not clear, I'm doing the man's face here, not the woman's.